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Pagoda Capital
Pagoda 東南亞資本投資專家, 是一家總部設於香港的房地產諮詢公司, 由一群在香港及海外擁有豐富房地產投資、物業管理和土地開發等專業知識的人士創立, 對東南亞新興房地產市場有著廣泛及深入的了解。
作為一家跨國、跨專業的事務所, 多年來致力為客戶精挑細選優質的海外物業外, 我們還提供正確選購海外物業的教學及一對一諮詢服務, 更在裝修、物業管理、移居等各個方面提供量身定制的解決方案和服務, 以滿足客戶的需求。

Geography is no barrier to our expertise while we are headquartered in Hong Kong. We have extensive knowledge of emerging real estate markets in Asia, including Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietname, etc.
We are also members of one of the world‘s most prestigious real estate networks, Real Estate Tycoon Club(RTC), extending our reach even further and bridging wealth across Asia.
We are always looking for new investment opportunities and is committed to delivering results to build up strategic, long-term relationships with a broad base of enterprises across different countries. With a strong market network and talented professional team, we believe our vision to develop as an international conglomerate with local wisdom focusing on the regional liquidity and property market could come true in the near future.

Our sister company Pepper & Salt Life and Investment Academy is a learning experience company that provides education in investment, personal development & more. Through education, we empower mankind to be greater & bigger than who they are, bringing humanity together to create a better world. Successfully helping over x,xxx members to buy their first home in HK, we extend the journey to acquiring their second home overseas.
Our team has been handpicked for their belief in our client-centric approach. Every client's needs are unique. As such, the solutions we offer are always bespoke. Whether you're an individual looking for the perfect home or tenant or an investor or corporation looking to develop a property portfolio, you'll enjoy advice and service that is second-to-none.

With our extensive networks of local RTC members in various regions, especially Malaysia and Thailand, we always have the knowledge and ability to acquire projects which are below market value with high return potential. These opportunities cannot be found in the open market and exclusive to the local real estate insiders; hence they are not exposed to any international investors.
Pagoda has also developed an entity for facilitating its property market development in Asia. The entity currently manages over HKD Xmillion??? Worth in assets and is generating a promising return to its shareholders.
Raymond Lo (羅衛民)

Raymond Lo (羅衛民)
- Pagoda Capital 首席投資總監兼聯合創辦人, 亦是一名創業家兼室內設計師, 其設計公司在香港已成立超過十五年同時, Raymond 在香港住宅及商用物業投資市場擁有豐富經驗, 近幾年更經常遊走東南亞國家, 進行土地策劃︑融資及物業相關投資工作, 對投資東南亞物業很有心德。
- Raymond 與團隊一起分別在泰國、馬來西亞、柬埔寨等東盟國家投資超過十五個項目, 投資總額超過千萬美元。Raymond 希望藉著Pagoda這個平台, 為香港投資者帶來更多各地不同致富的機會, 將財富貫通整個東南亞。
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